[144] pp.

The Viking Press

w/ David Hicks interiors

11" x 14.75"

Mary Gilliatt's survey of the enormous changes of the last few years traces the evolution of the Grand Style Anglais , with its chintz and its polished eighteenth-century furniture, into the various styles now current, whose only common denominator is their Englishness. The Englishness, this elusive essence inherent in English decoration, is caught again and again in Michael Boys's beautiful colour photographs, which were taken specially for the book.' (from the blurb).

A survey of the most important and influential homes in England of the time, scarce in the dust jacket. Boys's images capture the 60s aesthetic perfectly. The interiors are divided into stylistic sections: Post-Festival Influence (Robin and Lucienne Day), Sturdy British (Terence Conran), The Purists (Peter Hall, Geoffrey Clarke, Colin St John Wilson), The New Wave (Leslie Waddington), English Style (Ricki Huston), Old Houses Renewed (Kensington Palace, Britwell Salome), Fantasy in Decoration and Designer-Decorators (David Hicks, Jean-Claude Ciancimino, Geoffrey Bennison).