1000+Cress seeds Upland Cress(Barbarea verna )Garden cress American cress Dryland Cress Creasy Green USA

Upland cress is a cool-season hardy annual that is also referred to as peppergrass. Fast germination and growth make this a great early spring and fall green to add a bite to your favorite salad. Upland-cress shouldn't be confused with its cousin watercress. This herb welcomes some shade, but prefers a sunny environment.

Sowing and Growing

Since upland cress is cool-season and hardy, you can direct-sow seeds a couple of weeks before your region's last frost. If you're planting to transplant eventually, sow seeds indoors about 4 to 6 weeks before the average last frost date. Germination can take 5 to 15 days. This kind of cress desires a sunny environment, but can stand partial shade upland cress is fairly low maintenance, just be sure to keep it watered and prefers moist sandy clay soils rich in nitrogen and organics matter.


You can harvest younger garden cress sprouts by pinching the tops as needed. Cut the stems and leaves once the true leaves appear or when they grow at least 3 inches tall. Harvest before this plant matures, as upland-cress is at its prime early. Garden cress is often used in salads, sandwiches or eaten as a microgreen.