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Titolo: Maahvelous!
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9780972115292
ISBN: 9780972115292
Publisher: Glitterati Inc
Formato: Libro di cartone
Data di pubblicazione: 25/05/2005
Altezza: 254mm
Lunghezza: 251mm
Autore: Scott Chambliss
Lingua: inglese
Description: Features a preface by Isabella Rossellini. Fantastically colourful illustrations. Extremely entertaining."I want to go on Puut and Dali's next adventure!" Jennifer Garner"It's such an originale book! Bellissimo e Fun...no... more than fun, funissimo!" Isabella RosselliniPrincess Puut - a Glamour Gal who's lost her grip - is the fantastically wicked, witty, and fun-loving brainchild of Emmy Award-winning production designer, Scott Chambliss. Reeling from the stunning blow that she's been thrown off the television cablewaves, ultra-glamorous Princess Puut - the former Maahvelous Infomercial Superstar and current Wandering Has-Been - one night has a peculiar dream. As a result, she enlists the company and comfort of Dali, her smart, sexy confidant, on a journey of scandal, style, and self-discovery that plops them in the heart of romantic, implausible Venice, Italy - minus the smell.
Paese di origine: US
Genere: Arts & Photography
ISBN-10: 0972115293
Larghezza: 26mm
Peso: 1143g
Title Format: Board Book
Anno di pubblicazione: 2005

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