Cards in excellent to near-mint condition. If you'd like to see the back of any card, just let me know. Best framed and cut cards will be prioritized for early buyers.

Discounts offered for multiple purchases across all listings. Contact me before purchasing if interested.

Ships only within United States.

Price Increase Note: Ebay has required that all ebay sellers join their Managed Payment system in which there are no micropayment options for sellers. The new ($0.30 base value fee + percentage) no longer makes single $0.99 Buy It Now purchases feasible, as virtually all sellers will lose money in such transactions. I have raised the single card price to $1.20 to compensate (though not fully) for this change. However, I have also increased discount rates for volume purchases.

Please note that when ebay provides a micropayment option for sellers, I will again lower the single card price to $0.99. As a small ebay seller, I appreciate your understanding.