The PM10 ECG Monitor
Ships from the UK

Heart rate

The PM10 will alert you to major heart rate abnormalities, reporting “bradycardia,” “normal rhythm” or “tachycardia” after monitoring for 10 seconds. Certain conditions are associated with abnormal heart rates – such as when you are in atrial fibrillation (AF), or feeling palpitations. Having the PM10 to hand (it’s small enough to carry in your pocket) means that you can capture these often transient episodes, and save them onto the monitor. You can then export them using the provided software, and send the recordings to your doctor.

Heart rhythm

The PM10 is no substitute for 12-lead ECG, but it can give you a basic rhythm strip, from which certain anomalies can be observed. These include ventricular ectopics, heart block, abnormal intervals, atrial fibrillation, and atrial flutter. The fact that the monitor can also be used against the chest can make it more sensitive to picking up atrial rhythms.

Transient rhythm changes can be observed in a number of conditions, such as when experiencing chest pain (of ischaemic origin), palpitations (of unknown origin or during pregnancy) or dyspnoea.

Why buy from us?

We are not your standard medical equipment company. Any questions are answered directly by a technician who works within a cardiology department in the NHS. Whilst we cannot offer medical advice to you outside of the hospital setting, we have a genuine understanding of ECG and any associated tests you may have had (such as echocardiography), and are happy to guide you with terminology and how to use the machine.

PM10 Handheld ECG

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