Two-component epoxy material for bonding new to old concrete and for monolithic sealing of cracks in screeds for

2kg Units Part A1.5kg and Part B 0.5kg

• Bonding old and new concrete.

• Gluing of prefabricated concrete elements.

• Bonding steel and concrete.

• Filling cracks.


• as a bonding agent for structural repairs to pillars and concrete beams

• as a bonding bridge for the production of screeds on old concrete

• for bonding fresh concrete to old concrete

• for reinforcing girders with the concrete plaque method

• for the positive filling of dummy joints, joints and cracks in screeds or concrete.


Consumption varies, depending on irregularities in the substrate and the method used in application.

Generally speaking:

– construction joints with a rough substrate: 0.5-0.7 kg/m²

– construction joints with a very uneven substrate: 1.0-2.0 kg/m²

– sealing cracks: 1.35 kg/l per litre of cavity

– bonding precast elements in concrete, or steel-and-concrete: 1.35 kg/m² per mm thickness


Eporip is a two-component epoxy resin, consisting of component A (resin) and component B (hardener), which must be carefully mixed together before use.
The finished mixture is stable and can easily be used on horizontal and vertical surfaces.
After the non-shrinkage hardening, Eporip is waterproof and achieves very high mechanical strength and has excellent adhesion to steel or concrete.

Storage - 24 Months

Colour - Grey

Working Time - 60 mins at +23°C