One Million Bicycle® is the second deck on Elite's "Premium Collection" series. Limited Edition.
The One Million Bicycle® is a deck like no other. We have combined the best materials with an elegant, breathtaking design. Featuring a blend of ornamented and intricate elements that preserve the classic aesthetic values of the Elite brand. Designed for professionals and collectors. The ultimate in refinement.The faces of the deck are laced with harmonious lines, and wrapped in rich gold metallic inks.Playing with contrasts and textures, the interplay of red, gold and grey, on the pips, suits, and background, distills the elegance of the One Million Bicycle® deck.The exquisite royal backs are printed with striking gold tones on a vibrant blue paper.The tuck box is made with a high quality blue vellum paper. This luxurious paper looks and feels like velvet.  Instead of ink, the design is created entirely from several layers of highly reflective gold foil. 

Deck Features:

  • Premium box made of Blue Vellum Paper and Gold Foil - stretch goal
  • Printed with Rich Gold Metallic Inks - stretch goal
  • Quality, durable, Bicycle® stock
  • 100% custom and original art in all 56 Cards
  • Ultra Smooth Performance Coating
  • 2 Gaff Cards with multiple uses
  • Limited Edition of 5.000 decks - will never be re-printed again

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