Cessna 150 Pilot Operating Handbook (145 Pages)
This POH is a document developed by the airplane manufacturer and contains the FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) information. (Oral Exam Question)
Cessna 150 Commuter model POH, including all significant Definitions and procedures., mandatory for the owners of the Aircraft to have it during the flights. This POH is in accordance with Cessna 150 Model Airplane.

Pilot Operating Handbook for aviators and student pilots.

It’s absolutely essential for Student pilots in accordance with VFR Navigation, W&B, takeoff distance roll, system descriptions and Preparation for oral- written and practical exam.

Main purpose of this Operating hand book is to improve flight safety by ensuring that no important tasks are forgotten. So, it is mandatory to keep one copy of POH in the airplane.

*** The Pilot In Command (PIC) Must Ensure The Aircraft Is Operated In Accordance With The Approved Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) At All Times.

This Handbook will provide all the information you need in regards to the procedural aspects of operating the aircraft, its weight and balance, performance calculations, and other pertinent information about the airplane.