We deliver all orders within 18-36 hours. out.

Only in Germany

We would like to thank you very much,

for trusting and visiting our site.

Please call us from  7 Clock  until  22 clock is on.

We are there for you every day.

Alternator original 287618

This alternator type was installed in all of these vehicles

manufacturercar modelversionyearengineTechnical information
HONDACivic IX 2.2 i-DTECFK2012-2199cc N22B4150AMP
HONDACR-V IV 2.2 i-DTEC 4WDRE2012-2199cc N22B4150AMP

Manufacturer numbers for comparison

Many starters and alternators still in the shop

Please see seller's other items

Attention !!! Important !!!

We don't take deposits

There are competitors who often do not pay back the deposit

Friendly service

All calls, emails and faxes are answered immediately

Immediate shipping

For our quality goods, the legal ones remain

Warranty rights always exist and will not be affected

New alternator

The old alternator must be sent back to us.

Please use our box for this.

Package label is included.

We also send cash on delivery,

Shipping costs for the following European countries - at a special price - currently only €17.50
Austria - Netherlands - Belgium - Luxembourg - Italy - Spain - France - Greece

Denmark - England - Ireland - Portugal - Cyprus - Poland - Czech Republic - Slovakia - Hungary

Slovenia - Romania - Bulgaria - Sweden - Finland - Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania

We deliver all orders within 18-36 hours. out. Please call us from  7 Clock  until  22 clock is on. This alternator type was installed in all of these vehicles Many starters and alternators still in the shop There are competitors who often do not pay back the deposit All calls, emails and faxes are answered immediately For our quality goods, the legal ones remain Warranty rights always exist and will not be affected The old alternator must be sent back to us. Shipping costs for the following European countries - at a special price - currently only €17.50 Austria - Netherlands - Belgium - Luxembourg - Italy - Spain - France - Greece Denmark - England - Ireland - Portugal - Cyprus - Poland - Czech Republic - Slovakia - Hungary Slovenia - Romania - Bulgaria - Sweden - Finland - Estonia - Latv