Ferdinand Philippe Duke of Orleans Biography 1852 Boivin author signed rare book

Ferdinand Philippe Duke of Orleans Biography 1852 Boivin author signed rare book

(Old Books, 19th Century Books, Leather Books, French History, Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orleans).

Souvenir de la Vie du Duc D'Orleans, Prince Royal, by Louis Boivin.
Published 1842, Paris by Bretau & Pichery.
186 pages. Text in French.

Inscribed by the author on fly leaf.

Period 1/2 French leather binding, raised bands, gilt title lettering, marbled covers & end papers.

Book is almost 180 years old and shows some signs of handling and time. Book is not new or in "new" condition.

Binding gently age worn, leather rubbed but still supple, joints slightly scuffed, remains overall attractive as an object.

Text block paper is gently toned, light to moderate scattered age spotting, internally still well preserved, tight, sound.

Still attractive on the shelf. Book displays a pleasing and unique age patina and is in nice antiquarian condition, any age flaws easy to overlook or forgive. 

Please review photos for more detail and our best attempt to convey how this antique book survives.

Book Measures c. 7 1/4" H x 4 1/2" W.
