"Spicy Orange and Apple Muffin"

Deeply Conditioning & Rejuvenating

Solid Hair and Body Conditioner

Vivid sparkles and promises of renewal emanate from this glittery bar of conditioning graceful virtue; from the very moment you cradle it in your palm.

Top of the exquisitely perfumed composition is Tacuma butter, a sure tonic for dry damaged hair, its butterscotch sweet scent blends beautifully with it’s companions.

Handcrafted expertly with the unctuous, woody Shea and the fruity herbal muskiness of organic Amla, the skin and hair benefits are lavish and plentiful.

Shea reduces redness on skin and scalp plus soothes irritation, whilst the Amla reduces dehydration and premature ageing. Amla also boasts high levels of Vitamin C, that wonderful tonic with anti aging properties which leave skin smooth and hair glossy.  If that isn't enough, this bar also contains wild crafted Mafura butter, high in essential fatty acids and Oleic acid, additionally offering its nutty, dried fruit notes of perfume.

Apple Fruit extract proffers intense moisturisation and with valuable calcium, potassium, copper and magnesium, helps to prevent hair loss and shedding. It's sibling, Apple Seed oil then helps to trigger hair growth and strengthens roots thanks to it’s Vitamin B2 and Biotin. Orange Peel wax is an efficacious emollient imbued with natural, abundant phytosterols which are good for skin and scalp and provide a level of anti inflammatory and anti microbial action.

Add Pro Vitamin B5 to repair damaged hair and skin cells, strengthen and promote moisture retention and reduce fine lines and wrinkles; a sprinkle of Vitamin E for nourishment and protection and you have a conditioning bar that ticks all the boxes.

Reminiscent of autumnal orchard harvests, padding barefoot through the warming, late afternoon sun. A dainty and intricately woven basket draped over your arm as you gently pick the rose coloured apples from their woody stems. The deciduous tree leaves in every shade of amber and ochre, wholesomely crunching underfoot. You are surrounded by juicily fragrant fruits, sweet chestnuts and late blooming flowers, the air heavy with all the natural aromas of the earth beneath your feet. Carry the rejuvenating warmth of an Indian Summer throughout your year, revel in the red skies, aromatic perfumed nights and give thanks for all that Mother Nature has to offer with delicious Spicy Orange and Apple Muffin.