BulkSupplements.com Betaine HCl Powder

What Is Betaine HCl (Hydrochloride)?

Betaine HCl is a lab-made form of betaine uséd as a dietary supplement to promote overall health and wellness.

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BulkSupplements.com Betaine HCl Powder - Pure Digestive Enzymes - Support

What Is Betaine HCl (Hydrochloride)?

Betaine HCl is a lab-made form of betaine uséd as a dietary supplement to promote overall health and wellness.

Betaine HCl Benefits
Betaine HCl can help support heart health and contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system. It may also help support digestive health, fortify the joints, and support a healthy liver.

❤️ HEART HEALTH - Betaine HCl can help support heart health and contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system.* It may also help support digestive health, fortify the joints, and support a healthy liver.*

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