Pop Art acrylic painting on stretched canvas, ‘Peace’ peace sign original wall art, handmade décor, OOAK 

Peace  E-118C 

Pop Art acrylic painting on stretched canvas can make a great piece of original wall art. Few things add as much character to a space as handmade décor does!  

A blue peace sign over a swirled background. All prism colors used.  

Fine art is an investment in your space and what you want in it. Therefore, I use highly pigmented paints to ensure longevity of color and why I professionally finish each piece to offer protection from UV rays and environmental factors.  


Measures 14 x 14 inches 

Original modern original wall art signed on the back. 


Made with all new materials: 

Back stapled, stretched canvas 

Liquitex Basics acrylic paints 

GOLDEN brand Soft Gel Gloss Isolation Coating 

Liquitex Gloss varnish 


Ships in 1-3 Business Days 

*Over $50 will be insured for sale price 

*Boxes are sturdy, heavy-duty cardboard & packed in a professional manner 

*Colors may differ on each monitor 

*Photos are of the original painting. 2022 all rights reserved. Without my explicit permission, this original art may not be copied, printed or used for any purpose other than personal use as indicated by the purchase.