Fast Flow Exhaust Valve Stem by HW100Tuning
for the Weihrauch HW100 & HW101

Exhaust Valve Stem Originally, the HW100 exhaust valve/stem was in two parts (1) a Nylon or Acetal POM-C (the cheap stuff) shaft with a stainless pin insert and (2) a brass bush/sleeve/ferule. The brass bush was a flow restrictor and could be removed to increase the air flow to the barrel. Increased air flow can be used to make the gun more air efficient. You could buy replacement exhaust valves/stem with the brass bush from any Weihrauch reseller.

Restricted Exhaust Valve Stem In latter years, Weihrauch decided to stop selling the exhaust valve/stem with the separate brass bush and instead integrated them into one unit, probably a cost cutting exercise, but it had a side effect that not many HW100 tuners realise/consider, you can no longer increase the flow through the exhaust port (to the barrel). This is especially important to tuners wanting to gain precious FAC shots. You can't buy the old style exhaust valve/stem from any Weihrauch outlet - they simply do not sell them any more.

Fast Flow Exhaust Valve Stem We have precision manufactured a direct replacement for the original Weihrauch exhaust Valve/Stem, allowing users to once again increase the flow through the exhaust port. Our Fast-Flow Exhaust Valve/Stem has been manufactured using Genuine red Delrin® (Acetal POM-H - the expensive stuff) and precision ground stainless steel.

Exhaust Valve Stem Do I need a HW100Tuning Fast-Flow Valve?

If you have an exhaust Valve/Stem with a brass bush on it, or a simple parallel pin (brass bush removed) then NO - yours is an older model that already has the original fast flow Exhaust Valve/Stem.

If you are happy with your gun and don't intend to tweak/tune or upgrade to FAC then again the answer would be NO.

If you do intend/like tweaking, tuning or intend to convert to FAC (ticket holders) and you have the new style, restricted Exhaust Valve/Stem then the answer would be YES.

Suitable for ALL calibres: .177  .20  .22

Best suited for FAC Models and also the .177 Carbine sub 12 ft lb models. 

Block Where does the valve go?

This picture on the left is taken from our Replacing the Exhaust Valve Spring Guide.

Any questions, feel free to contact us.
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