Packing 10 grams
Packed in 2023
Shelf life 5 years

The chanterelle has an egg-yellow or orange-yellow cap (sometimes fading to very light, almost white); outlines the cap is initially slightly convex, almost flat, then funnel-shaped, often of irregular shape. Diameter 4-6 cm (up to 10), the cap itself is fleshy, smooth, with a wavy folded edge.
The pulp is firm, firm, of the same color.
The spore-bearing layer of the chanterelle is represented by folded pseudo-plates running down the stalk, thick, sparse, branched, of the same color as the cap.
Spore powder is yellow.
The leg of the chanterelle is usually the same color with the cap, fused with it, solid, dense, smooth, narrowed to the bottom, 1-3cm thick and 4-7cm long.

This very common mushroom grows from early summer (and often from late spring) to late autumn in mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests, at times (especially in July) in huge quantities. It is especially common in mosses and coniferous forests. Grown as at home on a personal plot under trees and / or shrubs in industrial quantities.

The false chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca) is vaguely similar to the common chanterelle. This mushroom is not related to the common chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius), belonging to the Paxillaceae family. The chanterelle differs from it, firstly, in the deliberate shape of the fruiting body (after all, a different order is a different order), an inseparable cap and a leg, a folded spore-bearing layer, elastic rubbery pulp. The false chanterelle has an orange hat, not yellow, and the leg is hollow, not solid. Only an extremely inattentive person can confuse these types. By the way, the false chanterelle is also an edible mushroom, it has its fans, it is collected in nature and grown in the same way as the yellow chanterelle.
The common chanterelle may also vaguely resemble the yellow hedgehog (Hydnum repandum). But in order to distinguish one from the other, it is enough just to look under the hat. The hedgehog has a spore-bearing layer of many easily detachable spines.

Chanterelle mushrooms are not wormy (well, for special cases); they rot very neatly, clearly changing color and consistency at the point of decay - you can always say: "they are rotting to this day, and then no".

The healing properties of the yellow chanterelle (common):

It's no secret that mushrooms have medicinal properties. Eating some mushrooms can help fight cancer. Chanterelles have a huge variety of medicinal properties.

What are the beneficial properties of this representative of the mushroom kingdom? Mushrooms are bright yellow in color because they contain a lot of carotene. Due to the content of chinomannose, chanterelles are not attacked by insects and worms. Quinomannosis prevents parasite egg capsules from developing. They contain a lot of minerals, as well as vitamins (PP and B2, B1 and A), amino acids, vitamins, so they are very useful for vision, can fight eye diseases. They will be useful to those who suffer from such an ailment as obesity, only they must be properly prepared.

The beneficial properties of chanterelles have been identified and thoroughly studied. They contain zinc and copper, which contribute to the removal of radionuclides from the body. The presence of a large amount of provitamin D allows these mushrooms to be called typical antibiotics. They help restore the pancreas. Scientists have long discovered the healing properties of chanterelles: they actively fight cancer cells, and also inhibit the growth of tubercle bacilli.

Dried mushrooms destroy pathogens of various purulent diseases, worms and other parasites. Treatment of hepatitis C or liver disease in Europe is carried out with extracts from chanterelles. Their benefits are beyond doubt: the contained ergosterol has a positive effect on liver enzymes. Thanks to trametonolinic acid, these representatives of the fungal kingdom destroy the hepatitis virus. Dried mushrooms are actively used in fungotherapy. In Western countries, liver treatment is prescribed with these mushrooms.

Even in ancient times, these mushrooms were used to treat abscesses and boils, they are useful in that they help fight angina. 

Pharmaceutical companies located in Western countries prepare anthelmintic drugs from this product. For this, it is initially necessary to isolate chitinmannose. In the future, it is used in its pure form. To preserve the medicinal properties, it is necessary to grind dried chanterelles to a powdery state. They are also used in the form of a tincture or in capsules.

What else is the use of chanterelles? They have immunostimulating and antitumor effects. Mushrooms are useful for a variety of inflammatory conditions. The beneficial properties are determined by the increased content of vitamin A (more than in carrots).

Thanks to vitamin C, they help to treat respiratory problems. They are also useful in that they treat not only insomnia, depression, but also hemorrhoids. Chanterelles have medicinal properties: they fight varicose veins; relieve irritability; reduce fatigue; improve vision. Scientists have conducted many experiments. It turned out that the beneficial properties of this product are explained by the presence of vitamin D. This substance promotes the formation of bone tissue, and also has the following beneficial properties: increases resistance to psoriasis; strengthens muscle tone; prevents heart disease.

To get rid of worms and parasites, you can use a fairly simple recipe. A teaspoon of powder is poured with vodka (150 ml). It is necessary to infuse the mixture for 10 days, shake it every day. You do not need to filter the mixture. It is necessary to use the tincture before going to bed for 2 months, drinking 2 teaspoons.

Thanks to the element selenium, motor activity improves, headaches stop. Also, this element helps to normalize the thyroid gland, activate stem cells.

Selenium allows you to remove decay products, harmful compounds, and toxins from the body.

You can still enumerate the beneficial properties of chanterelles for a long time and give recipes for folk remedies, but we produce and sell mycelium (seeds) of chanterelle, so we cannot "inflate" the description, this is a topic for a separate article.

I would only like to note that some of those substances, which determine the medicinal properties of chanterelles, also protect against worms and treat "fungal" diseases of their fellows - other forest mushrooms. Although most often mushroom growers plant chanterelles only with porcini mushrooms, it is recommended to do this ("add" chanterelles) with absolutely all forest mushrooms.


They are planted in gardens, parks, forests, nurseries, greenhouses, flower beds, lawns, etc.

1 package of mycelium is intended for planting under 1 tree on an area of ​​0.5 m2, or together with one seedling, or under shrubs on an area of ​​0.5 m2.
Fluff the ground under the tree so that a depression of 5-15 cm is formed, depending on the location of the roots at the soil surface.
Spread the mycelium evenly over the entire fluffed surface.
Cover with garden (or forest) soil, mixed with any humus, in equal parts.
Sprinkle on top with the soil that was formed during fluffing with a depression.
Planting can be done at any time of the year and under any tree species.
Watering is carried out in dry times, often with a garden watering can or in another way, about 10 liters per 1 m2.
Mushrooms appear in spring and autumn, but for the first time not earlier than 5 months after planting. Sometimes the first harvest may only be the next year.
The first harvest is 350-500g / m2, the next ones are 3.5-4.5kg / m2.
Mycelium grows for many years, while the tree lives.

You can also plant mycorrhizal forest mushrooms along with tree seedlings. Spread mycelium, for example, chanterelles and / or porcini mushrooms, or any others, evenly over the bottom of the hole prepared for planting a seedling, and then continue planting plants as usual.

Indoors, you can try to grow mushrooms in the same way as champignons, only by sowing any perennial grass. Growing results will be slightly worse than in an open area, but realistically possible.

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