The buyer should understand that there is a certain degree of subjectivity in describing natural whetstones. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions. And if you purchase and have an issue, please contact me before leaving a review. I'm proud of my 100% rating! Thank you.

Please read: these natural stones are not recommended for beginner sharpener/polishers. If you don't know what you're getting into, you may be more happy with a synthetic instead.

===About the Item===
Dimensions (max) = 198 x 73 x 19 mm
Mass = 620g

This could be described as a large palm stone or a small bench stone. It has similar dimensions to most synthetics.
It's a Japanese kamisori hone. The supplier (Japanese auction house) sold it as a red Ohira. The stamps are lapped/missing.
Hardness --> ~4 / 5, Fineness --> 8k+
It is flat and ready for use. There are a few light cosmetic scratches on the sharpening face, but they can be ignored.
The strata are oriented width-wise with stripes of forest green alternating with grass green, and a striking red layer.

Price is now fixed and won't come down any further, thank you for your understanding!