I AM NOT SELLING A KIT, only new, full-size copies of 2 PLANS and Air Trails construction article to build TWO scale models of the BUHL BULL PUP.

Here is an excellent copy of Chuck Hollinger's outstanding Air Trails BUHL BULL PUP 1/2A scale free flight PLAN from the 1950s. The model has a 35" wing span and used an O.K. Cub .049. A nice electric motor would work great today. Since this model has ample wing dihedral designed in it for successful free flight flying, with your 2-channel RC unit in it, the model will roll out of turns nicely into level flight rather than going into a spiral decent. All necessary parts patterns are found on this full-size PLAN.

The Chuck Hollinger model is almost the same size as Berkeley's FF kit of the BUHL BULL PUP. So, with these 2 PLANS you have all that were published so far as I know, going back to the 1940s.

The color picture of the BUHL BULL PUP in flight is from a great historical article on the designer and promoter of the original 1930s airplane. You can find that article in the August 1969 issue of Sport Flying magazine. 

As a BONUS I include a copy of an article detailing the actual BULL PUP airplane, as well as a 3-view drawing to increase your admiration of this wonderful airplane.

I AM NOT SELLING A KIT, only a nice, new copy of the Hobby Helpers full-size PLAN and Air Trails construction article, folded and in a manila envelope.  

I do not include a copy of the 53-year-old SPORT FLYING magazine centerfold from which the color picture was taken.

“This is a good combo of plans and instructions. Well worth the price. Have started a build using the AT plan.” Scott B. Rogue River, OR