Black Dagger Brotherhood World Series Books 1 - 10 Collection Set by J.R. Ward
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Black Dagger Brotherhood World Series Books 1 - 10 Collection Set by J.R. Ward

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SKU LWP10297
Title Black Dagger Brotherhood World Series Books 1 - 10 Collection Set by J.R. Ward
Author J. R. Ward
Publisher Piatkus
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780349429786

Titles In this Set:
Dark Lover:
Lover Eternal:
Lover Awakened:
Lover Revealed:
Lover Unbound:
Lover Enshrined:
Lover Avenged:
Lover Mine:
Lover Unleashed:
Lover Reborn:
Dark Lover:
In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly turf war going on between vampires and their slayers.

Lover Eternal:
Within the brotherhood, Rhage is the vampire with the strongest appetites. He's the best fighter, the quickest to act on his impulses.

Lover Awakened:
A former blood slave, the vampire Zsadist still bears the scars from a past filled with suffering and humiliation.

Lover Revealed:
Now, an ally of the Black Dagger Brotherhood will face the challenge of his life and the evil of the ages. Butch O'Neal is a fighter by nature.

Lover Unbound:
Ruthless and brilliant, Vishous, a member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, possesses a destructive curse and the frightening ability to see the future.

Lover Enshrined:
Phury has sacrificed himself for the good of the race, becoming the male responsible for keeping the Black Dagger Brotherhood's bloodlines alive..

Lover Avenged:
Rehvenge, as a half-breed symphath, is used to living in the shadows and hiding his true identity.

Lover Mine:
John Matthew has been through his vampire transition and taken to the life of the Brotherhood with a vengeance.

Lover Unleashed:
Payne, twin sister of Vishous, is cut from the same dark, seductive cloth as her brother. Imprisoned for eons by their mother.

Lover Reborn:
Now back in the Brotherhood - and unrecognisable as the vampire leader he once was - Tohrment is physically emaciated and heartbroken beyond despair.

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