Détails de l’annonce

Titre: Lo Que Nos Dejó La Revolución
Condition: Neuf
Format: CD
EAN: 8428846211442
Genre: Indé et alternatif
Date de sortie: 25/09/2010
The sexual revolution left US with unforgettable moments, a never-before dreamed of happiness, and an endless feeling of pleasure. The concerts were authentic exaltations of uncontrolled happiness, collective madness and a truly therapeutic release. La Casa Azul's newest work is a gift for fans, a small souvenir that closes the magical era. La Casa Azul's new journey is still full of fantasy a fantasy that begins in their new video, La Nueva Yma Sumac, an incredible piece by the great master Duprez (responsible also for the album design) and a team made up of true fans of the group. It is an ambitious project that makes this video unique and unprecedented in the history of music videos and animation in our country, and that will undoubtedly be talked about outside of our borders as well.
Artiste: La Casa Azul
Année de sortie: 2010

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