Dies ist ein Original, keine Reproduktion / This is an original, not a reproduction.

Giovanni Battista PIRANESI 
 " Le Antichità Romane

Tom / Band: IV
Page/ Blatt: XII

"Hypsographia puppis medietatis navis lapideae,...
Sectio ejusdem Navis cum sbstrictione"

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Original Kupferstich / Copper Engraving
von/by Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1756

unten rechts in der Platte signiert / signed at right bottom
Piranesi F.

This folio etching is from Giovanni Battista
Piranesi's "Le Antichita Romane". 

The work depicted archaeological sites,
sepulchral monuments, reconstructions 
of engineering feats, ancient bridges,
baths and other structures. 

Piranesi's etchings exhibit remarkable
techincal skill, historic accuracy, 
and artistic vision. 

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Zustand / Condition:
Sehr gut siehe Bilder.
Very goodplease see images.

Blattgrösse / Size of paper: 57 x 42 cm
Grösse der Ansicht / Size of image: 46 x 26 cm