What is Hedrin 4% Lotion used for?

Hedrin Lotion is a cutaneous solution that contains the active ingredient Dimeticone. Hedrin Lotion can be applied to the scalp to treat head lice in both adults and children over 6 months of age without the need to see a doctor first.

Headlice also known as nits are common in children and their families especially infant age children that tend to have close contact, there is not much you can do to prevent them, and it has nothing to do with having dirty hair.


Active Substance: Dimeticone 4%. Dimeticone is not a chemical poison. It works by a physical process which effectively covers and drowns the louse.

Other Ingredients: Cyclomethicone 5. Cyclomethicone 5 is a carrier ingredient which evaporates after application leaving the active ingredient to kill the lice.