Here's a copy of the STAR TREK & STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION fanzine SIDE-TREKKED #1, featuring stories crossed with other genres.  It is in excellent condition, showing a little wear around the edges.  It runs 150 pages and was first printed in March 1994.   It is actually a new copy from publisher's stock of the U.S. reprint of a Canadian fanzine we used to take to conventions. 

Stories in this issue include:

Critical Mudd by John Willcox Herbert (Star Trek crossed with Next Generation)
Tomorrow is Yesterday by Bonnie Holmyard (Star Trek crossed with Quantum Leap)
A Very Special Brady by L.R.H. Balzer (Next Generation crossed with The Brady Bunch)
Resurection by Robert Bearsall (Next Generation crossed with Aliens)
Back To the Federation by Michael Geoghegan (Next Generation crossed with Back To the Future)
Of Toast and Androids by by Deej Barens (Next Generation crossed with Red Dwarf)
Evol-Q-tion by Dayton Ward (Next Generation crossed with Planet of the Apes)

Plus art.

Orders can be combined.  Excess postage will be refunded.

More information can be found at

We have been selling fanzines (Star Trek & otherwise) for friends and acquaintances for over 40 years.  Time permitting, we will continue to list a few at a time from over 150 boxes of fanzines.  We are a smoke-free home, but we are not cat-free.

Thanks for looking!