Finding Jupiter | Kelis Rowe | 2022 | englisch

Autor: Kelis Rowe
Format: kartoniert
Seitenanzahl: 336
Verlag: Walker Books Ltd.
Erscheinungsdatum: 20220804
Sprache: englisch
Altersempfehlung: ab 14 Jahre
Genre: Importe
Höhe in mm: 23
Länge in mm: 196
Breite in mm: 126
Gewicht in g: 240

"Strong characterisation and warm emotional depth mark out this uplifting YA debut." Guardian

What if Romeo & Juliet took place in Memphis in 2022?

Ray has no time for romance. She's queen of the roller rink, she writes found poetry, and she's got her eyes set on her own independent future. Besides, she's seen what loving someone too much - and losing them - can do to a person.

Orion, on the other hand, would like to be smooth with the girls. Just once. He looks like the jock his father wants him to be, but really he's a hopeless romantic. When he spots Ray at the rink, it feels like the stars have aligned.

But now it seems like something in their families' past will stand in their way, and cross their stars forever...

An honest, unpredictable, funny and heartbreaking dual-POV love story to fall head over heels for.

Kelis Rowe is a debut author and alum of Pitch Wars, the volunteer-run mentoring programme for aspiring writers. Kelis's passion for writing contemporary YA comes from her own experiences growing up as a Black teenager in Memphis and yearning to see her experience of first love, its scope and its nature, on the pages of the books she read. She is now based in Texas, USA.