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Titolo: Memoirs Of A Highland Lady
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781841957579
ISBN: 9781841957579
Edizione: Main
Publisher: Canongate Classics
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 30/03/2006
Altezza: 196mm
Lunghezza: 126mm
Larghezza: 31mm
Peso: 473g
Autore: Elizabeth Grant
Contribuyente: Andrew Tod (Introduction by), Andrew Tod (Edited by)
Lingua: inglese
ISBN-10: 1841957577

Memoirs of a Highland Lady is one of the most famous memoirs ever written. Since its first bowdlerised edition in 1898, it has been consistently in print. This is the first ever complete text.

Written between 1845 and 1854 the memoirs were originally intended simply for Elizabeth's family, but these vivid and inimitable records of life in the early nineteenth century, and above all of the great Rothiemurchus estate, full of sharp observation and wit, form an unforgettable picture of her time.

Paese di origine: GB
Genere: Biography
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2006

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