Richard Hoad (b 1942), was seemingly a "true character" of Barbados who enjoyed the simple life and many tales of old Barbados.  He was a qualified agriculturist and with his wife owned a dairy farm where he happily lives with his wife, three daughters, and beloved animals.  His self-professed other love was music and and for a number of years he played saxophone and organ in several bands in the hotel circuit.  Offered for sale is his The Lowdown (s-published, 1993).  The book is a collection of columns he wrote for the Nation, Barbados' principal newspaper, beginning in 1989 and extending into the early 1990s.  Hoad points out:  "Topics cover the range of subjects within my limited experience.  In many cases I personally don't agree with the points of view expressed by the author nor understand what he is trying to say.  My readers obviously prefer me to entertain, rather than try to inform or educate them.  The result is an approximately 98% fact-free, low cholesterol collection of nonsense liberally interspersed with ill-concealed smut. . . . There is a lot of unhappiness in this world of ours and if these articles have brought a little sunshine into anyone's life, then they have achieved their purpose."  Delightful reading!  Softcover, 1st ed., signed, 139 pp; b/w ills' like new.

Don’t be shy; give it a try.  Doc deals!