You will get 40 YOUNG, dried indian almond tree leaves 6” - 10” long:

    - Studies show that YOUNG indian almond tree leaves contain more tannins than OLD indian almond tree leaves.

    - Studies show that YOUNG leaves have higher anti-fungal and antibacterial properties than OLD leaves.

    - If you concern about the aesthetics of the water in your tank. YOUNG indian almond leaves is a better choice because they don’t change the water color as much as OLD indian almond leaves.

    - YOUNG leaves have more nutritions and easier to digest than OLD leaves. Your shrimps will munch on the leaves more often.   


+ Features:

    - No harmful chemicals added. Safe to use in your aquarium and fish!

    - Natural water conditioner for healthy and active fish.

    - Natural anti-inflammatory acts as healing agent.

    - Natural addition of trace minerals.

    - Prevents and cures fish diseases.

    - Natural food source, decorative, and induces breeding in Betta Fish.

    - Harvested from health indian almond trees.

    - Good hiding place for fish/shrimps.

    - Cleaned and Sun-dried.

    - Never in contact with soil.


+ Suitable for:

Discus, Bettas, Gouramis, Killifish, Tetras, Angelfish, Dwarf Cichlids, Corydoras, Piecostumus,  Rasboras, Shrimps, Hermit Crabs and many more.