Pure Sri Lanka(Ceylone) Black Pepper, Grown by Farming Villages in Sri Lanka

High quality  BLACK PEPPER from 

Sri Lanka. 100% Organic.

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Ceylon Pepper is particularly favored worldwide as it is quite rich in piperine, the alkaloid which lends it a distinct pungency. As a result, Ceylon Pepper from Sri Lanka fetches a premium price in the international spice market. Black pepper is widely used as a ‘hot’ cooking spice and seasoning. 

The taste of Sri Lankan black pepper is richly aromatic, with floral and citrus notes, while retaining a strong pungency. Extracts of black pepper - Piperine, oleoresin and essential oil- are also extracted from the whole drupes, and have applications as both spice and flavoring agents in the food industry, and also major industrial applications in the perfumery and the pharmaceutical industry

Health benefits of chili pepper

       Black pepper is a warming spice consistent with Ayurveda. It turned into administered to sufferers who suffered from such illnesses as diarrhoea, constipation, arthritis, insect bites, and pulmonary and cardiovascular troubles. It additionally whets urge for food and digestion, and it is ideal as a decongestant for a blocked nose.

      It is regularly utilized in mixture with different spices in view that Piperine will increase the bio-availability of many nutrients (consisting of selenium, beta-carotene, curcumin and nutrients A and C). That’s why it's far constantly endorsed to feature a pinch of black pepper in turmeric practise and dishes to higher soak up curcumin.

      In Chinese Traditional Medicine, pepper is diagnosed as a spice able to warming the body, used to combat bloodless and dissolve phlegm. In mixture with different warming spices like ginger and cinnamon, it may be utilized in infusions to deal with bloodless and flu.

       It additionally facilitates the secretion of digestive enzymes withinside the pancreas and accelerates the intestinal transit (a gradual transit is regularly related to many fitness problems).

Other Benefits

Increases Nutrient Absorption.

Improves Digestion

Stimulate appetite.

Facilitates weight loss.

Relieves stomach gas and also helps prevent gas formation

Helps clear congestion as it helps loosen phlegm and it also has antimicrobial properties

Fights cancer and prevents other diseases

Work as a natural antidepressant

Treats teeth and gum problems

Assists Weight Loss.    

Reduces Blood Sugar Level.

Treats Gum Inflammation.

Lowers Cholesterol Level.

A Natural Antidepressant.

Improves Brain Health.

Reduces the Occurrence of Pseudo seizure.

A Natural Antidepressant.

Improves Brain Health.

Reduces Early Signs of Aging.

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