Malacological Fauna from the Cape Verde Archipelago
                                                                by E. M. Rolan

ISBN  9783925919732, published in 2005 by ConchBooks, Germany, 456 pages, paperback covers, size 8.25 by 11.25 inches (about 21 by 29.5 cm) 82 full pages plates in color and black and white.

To call this book anything but monumental simply does not do it justice enough.This title is a very welcome addition to the shell literature. Because of their geographic location, these islands support a very interesting shell fauna. There are 1200 species both marine and terrestrial illustrated in this book and in addition, there is a check list of main land species by K. Groh, found in these Islands.The book is listed on its' title page as "Part 1" but the second part was never published. The mollusks in this book are illustrated on color photo plates and black and white plates. The illustrations also include SEM photos and drawings. The description of the shells is clear and concise. Scattered among the page of the book are color and black and white photographs showing some of the topography of these Atlantic Islands that are located off the coast of West Africa and, some of the island fauna, and island life.