Kraft box packaging with a story inside the box

Texas Rangers Co. A Peso Badge story inside the box: The Rangers have a heritage that began with the earliest settlements in Texas and are part of the history of the Old West.
This early style Texas Ranger badge was actually pressed out of a genuine Mexican Peso which left the coin markings on the back of the badge.

Each high quality Old West replica badge is crafted out of brass and steel. They are double-stamped then silver plated. Next, each Old West replica badge is individually hand finished for a unique antique look.

Size: approx. 1 5/8" H
Back: Bar style pin

Kraft box packaging with a story inside the box

Texas Rangers Co. B Badge story inside the box: The Texas Rangers were first formed in 1823 to keep law and order through Texas and the Southwest. In the 1870’s the Texas Rangers were combating rampant lawlessness, fighting the raiding Indians, struggling against Mexican border disputes and battling the feuding cattlemen and desperados that were terrorizing the state of Texas.

Each high quality Old West replica badge is crafted out of brass and steel. They are double-stamped then silver plated. Next, each Old West replica badge is individually hand finished for a unique antique look.

Size: approx. 1 3/4" H
Back: Bar style pin

Kraft box packaging with a story inside the box

Texas Rangers Co. D Peso Back Badge story inside the box: After the Civil War one of the biggest threats to the citizens of Texas was its lawlessness from within and criminal elements entering from Mexico and surrounding states. In 1874, the Legislature created two Ranger forces... the Frontier Battalion and Special Forces.

The Frontier Battalion lasted 27 years and was dissolved in 1901. During this turbulent period of time the Rangers were involved in some of the most celebrated cases in the history of the state, leading to historical facts that would later be mixed with Ranger legend.

Each high quality Old West replica badge is crafted out of brass and steel. They are double-stamped then silver plated. Next, each Old West replica badge is individually hand finished for a unique antique look.

Size: approx. 1 5/8" H
Back: Bar style pin

Kraft box packaging with a story inside the box

Arizona Rangers Badge story inside the box:

The Arizona Rangers were a special police force created to assist jurisdictional lawmen at a time when criminals outnumbered lawmen. To date, Arizona Rangers still help to maintain the peace in the Southwest.

Each high quality Old West replica badge is crafted out of brass and steel. They are double-stamped then silver plated. Next, each Old West replica badge is individually hand finished for a unique antique look.

Size: approx. 3" H
Back: Bar style pin

Kraft box packaging with a story inside the box

California Rangers Badge story inside the box: On May 11, 1853, California Governor John Bigler signed a legislative act authorizing the organization of a band of California Rangers under the command of Captain Harry Love. Their purpose? To capture or kill the infamous bandito Joaquin Murieta, ringleader of a gang of men believed to be responsible for much of the cattle rustling, robberies, and murders taking place in the Mother Lode region. In July of 1853, the Rangers came across the group of bandits near Arroyo Cantúa in San Benito County. After a confrontation, two of the banditos were killed by the Rangers. The Rangers cut off the hand of one and the head of the other. The Rangers claimed that the head belonged to the infamous Joaquin Murieta!

Each high quality Old West replica badge is crafted out of brass and steel. They are double-stamped then silver plated. Next, each Old West replica badge is individually hand finished for a unique antique look.

Size: approx. 2" H
Back: Bar style pin

Kraft box packaging with a story inside the box

Colorado Rangers Badge story inside the box: In 1861, the Jefferson Rangers, originally founded in 1859 to keep peace in Colorado, were reorganized as the Colorado Rangers. On January 29th, 1923 Governor William Sweet gave an executive order to disband the Rangers, leaving Colorado without statewide police protection until 1935. On February 21st, 1941, a Certificate of Incorporation was issued to the Colorado Mounted Rangers, organized by Governor Teller Ammons as a volunteer group with a single troop in Bailey. In 1955, The Colorado Mounted Rangers changed their Constitution to form a Squadron of several troops throughout the state.

Each high quality Old West replica badge is crafted out of brass and steel. They are double-stamped then silver plated. Next, each Old West replica badge is individually hand finished for a unique antique look.

Size: approx. 2 3/8" H
Back: Bar style pin

 Kraft box packaging with a story inside the box

San Juan Rangers Badge story inside the box: The San Juan Rangers were another little known part of the legend of the old western frontier. Rangers were brave men who stood out from the crowd. Some were appointed to office, others volunteered or were deputized. Their role as lawmen was to corral cattle rustlers, unruly gamblers and drunk cowboys and keep the peace in the towns. The pay was minimal and the hours were long, and often the reward was a bullet in the back.

Each high quality Old West replica badge is crafted out of brass and steel. They are double-stamped then silver plated. Next, each Old West replica badge is individually hand finished for a unique antique look.

Size: approx. 3" H
Back: Bar style pin