The battle scene at the center is thought to depict the victory of Hannibal and the Carthaginians over the Romans in Cannae in 216 B.C., which here could be interpreted as an allusion to the struggle of France against the Holy Roman Empire during the sixteenth century. In the strapwork borders are the intertwined letters: H for Henry II (reigned 1547–59); C for Catherine de Médicis, his queen; and possibly also D for Diane de Poitiers, his mistress. Interspersed with the initials are crescents, the king's personal badge and a reference to the moon goddess Diana and her namesake Diane de Poitiers.

This plaque measures 24" tall x 17.5" wide. I don't believe it is plaster, but rather a resin or plastic. Please see the last picture of the crack in the back to get an idea of the material. I can't round any information at all about this piece other than what it replicates. Obviously very rare.

Feel free to make an offer!

Plaster Bas Relief Parade Shield Henry II of France Replica Wall Plaque.