Rare and Scarce (and timely, even now!).

The Bible Says: RUSSIA WILL INVADE AMERICA! (AND BE DEFEATED) by Sheldon Emry; c.1965; 57 pages.

Although it was rather commonly believed among religious and military men of the last century that America had a divinely ordained destiny, few ministers or soldiers seem to have the vision today. Is it because they have turned their backs on Prophecy as taught in the Word of God? Without study of the Word by men or responsibility in the nation, we lose our way, we stumble in darkness and go on to punishment that could be avoided by the simple expedience of reading and obeying God and His Word of instruction and Salvation to our Race. A clear understanding is given on our victory in the last battle, and sometimes referred to as "Armageddon."

The British Israel Movement, or Identity Movement as it is called in America, believes that the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples of Europe are the descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. They are therefore the People of the Covenant through whom God promised to bless the earth. The throne of England is directly linked to the throne of David. When Jesus returns, the queen or her descendant will hand over the Throne to Jesus. There is therefore a direct link between the British Empire or the British Commonwealth of Nations and the Kingdom of God. 

Please see my other auction items for many rare and scarce books on British-Israelism and Anglo-Israelism.