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Titolo: The Spider Volume 3
Condizione: Nuovo
Title Format: Paperback

  • Richard Wentworth has been brought low, but his costumed alter-ego, The Spider, must still protect New York! As a terrible new wave of violence sweeps across the city, the Spider faces a ring of crooked cops, a deadly uptown gang, and a terrible new enemy who will stop at nothing. But when an honest cop comes along for the ride, the brutal vigilante has to protect the life of an innocent amidst the chaos. With the odds stacked up so high, The Spider has never been more desperate — or more dangerous!

Altezza: 257mm
Autore: David Liss
Contribuyente: Ivan Rodriguez (By (artist)), COLTON WORLEY (By (artist))
Data di pubblicazione: 29/07/2014
EAN: 9781606905036
Formato: Tascabile
Genere: Graphic Novels
ISBN: 9781606905036
ISBN-10: 1606905031
Lingua: inglese
Lunghezza: 165mm
Publisher: Dynamic Forces Inc
Soggetto: Fiction, Crime Thrillers & Mystery
Paese di origine: US
Peso: 431g
Anno di pubblicazione: 2014

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