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Titolo: Double Jumpers Volume 1: Danger Zone
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781632290908
ISBN: 9781632290908
Publisher: Action Lab Entertainment, Inc.
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 21/04/2015
Altezza: 254mm
Lunghezza: 165mm
Peso: 168g
Autore: Dave Dwonch
Lingua: inglese

  • After Jason and his team of programmers get stuck in their virtual realitygame, Dungeon Lords, they must find a way back to the real world.Unbeknownst to them, the fantasy characters they inhabit have taken control oftheir bodies... and now wizards and warriors run free in Las Vegas!

Paese di origine: US
Genere: Graphic Novels
Title Format: Paperback
ISBN-10: 1632290901
Contribuyente: Bill Blankenship (By (artist))
Soggetto: Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Anno di pubblicazione: 2015

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