Package 10ml (either 50ml) containing Moth Away Blend.

(The price includes VAT)

Moth Away Blend is a unique combination of essential oils, which aims to repel the destructive moth on clothes.

Moth Away can be used either placed on a little cotton or on a piece of fabric in our wardrobe, or a few drops in the storage bags of your clothes.

Moth Away Blend bases its action on 4 essential oils. Lavender, which is world-famous for its action against moths, Cedar, which is considered effective in repelling moths, mosquitoes and termites, Rosemary, which - despite its pleasant smell - is avoided by moths and Clove, which is considered to be particularly effective in repelling all species of moths, including the moth.

In order to use Moth Away just drop 1-2 drops on a little cotton and put it in your closet. If your clothes are enclosed in bags, just drop 2-3 drops on a piece of cotton and place it in the bag.

All combinations of essential oils of have been created by experienced aromatherapists. The mixing of essential oils is done by traditional methods without the use of machines. All essential oils are 100% natural and pure and do not contain additives or chemicals. 

Origin: Greece. Imathia

Production: 2020