➤ Product Name: Taiwan Oolong Tea/ Alishan Golden Milk Jin Xuan Oolong Tea 台灣 阿里山金萱烏龍茶 

➤ Brand: Traditional Oolong House (鏡花水月) 

➤ Description: From a premium (Golden milk) Jin Xuan Oolong tea growth area, its mid-level roasting preserves its inherent creamy fragrance, and making it more supple and smooth. (得天獨厚的阿里山是金萱的上品茶區,產出的茶葉柔嫩飽滿,中烘培的手法恰好降低茶的苦澀、保留茶的奶香,使茶湯更加滑順圓潤、清香幽繞,絕對是嗅覺與味蕾的絕佳禮讚。) 

➤ Taste: Made from the original tea leaves without any artificial ingredient 

➤ Weight: 150g 

➤ Pack Way: A vacuum bag in a sealed bottle 

➤ Country of Region: Buy from Taiwan, ship from Taiwan 

➤ Product ID: A06EL01 

Traditional Oolong House - An idea to enjoy your Taiwan tea

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