Blue Lagoon Spa UV System Bulb - 16Watts - Up to 15m3 (red/pink ends)

For renewing a worn / blown / spent bulb for UV Lamp

Each Blue Lagoon unit is equipped with a UV lamp. Depending on the system the choice of lamp has been made.

To make sure a UV-C disinfection system keeps protecting bathers against pathogens such as moulds, viruses and bacteria, it is important to replace a UV-C lamp in time. 

The average effective lifespan of a UV-C lamp is 9,000 hours. 

An amalgam lamp has a longer lifespan of approximately 16.000 hours. 

Although the lamp will still continue to work after this period, its disinfecting value will rapidly decline from then on. 

To still guarantee the health of the bathers, it is important to replace the UV-C lamp in time.