It's a first! Nothing worse than looking inside the little hole of the fuel tank to try and gauge how much oil to put in as youre guessing how much petrol needs to go in.

Now you can undo the petrol cap, wipe the dipstick, fit it, remove it and you have a better idea how much petrol is in the tank.

Simply marked 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 full.

Always best to add oil before the petrol, then re check when filled up.

Made and Designed by MB Scooters Lts.

Fits all petrol tanks using the standard petrol cap. (Except oiltek tanks)

This comes with an MB Viton seal.

TOP TIP; If it is tight fitting - slightly bend the taps which locate in the tank to loosen the cap - also use some 2 stroke oil on the Viton seal so it spins free on first fitting.