➤ Product Name: Taiwan Oolong Tea/ Roasted Earl Grey Oolong Tea Bag 台灣 炭焙伯爵烏龍茶包

➤ Brand: Afternoon Tea House 郁芬園 

➤ Description: The  timbery aroma of roasted Oolong and the citrus aroma of earl grey woven together epitomizes the grandeur of a sunny afternoon tea in the noble garden.  (炭焙烏龍隱約飄散的木質香與伯爵茶的柑橘調完美交織,彷彿優雅而淳厚的貴族在陽光灑落的後花園中,享受美好愜意的午後。)

➤ Flavor:  Wood-roasted Earl Grey flavored

➤ Weight: 3.5g per tea bag

➤ Qty: 20 pcs

➤ Pack Way: A vacuum bag in a sealed bottle

➤ Country of Region: Buy from Taiwan, ship from Taiwan

➤ Product ID: 

Afternoon Tea House - The floral and fruit aroma of European Afternoon Tea

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