
1936. 6 QUARTERS 1850 PLATES, DEFECTS AND RETOUCHES, POSTMARK. Antonio Guezala. Philatelic Group Editions of Bilbao. Bilbao, 1936. (tired volume and lack of spine cover, ideal for a preferably luxury binding) (remember that the true intellectual of this work is the mining engineer from Tolosa Don Ramón Ruiz de Arcaute, without a doubt the greatest scholar and researcher of our first stamp)

Ref: 0000076270

Bibliography 1936. 6 QUARTERS 1850 PLATES, DEFECTS AND RETOUCHES, POSTMARK. Antonio Guezala. Philatelic Group Editions of Bilbao. Bilbao, 1936. (tired volume and lack of spine cover, ideal for a preferably luxury binding) (remember that the true intellectual of this work is the mining engineer from Tolosa Don Ramón Ruiz de Arcaute, without a doubt the greatest scholar and researcher of our first stamp) Ref: 0000076270