AO2's Knucklebone is the original hardbody knuckle roller. This is a simple skill toy that is manipulated with the fingers of one or both hands to perform tricks and patterns, or simply to pass the time. It is very discrete (unless dropped) and can be played in very restricted spaces, and in contexts where other showier skill toys may not be appropriate. Check out the AO2 YouTube channel for demonstrations and tutorials in our "knucklebone" playlist.

The wood version of our Knucklebones are among the lightest we've created to date, and have already become a favourite among top players. While the wooden kbones have the same size and shape as the originals, the lighter weight, combined with the wood grain texture, open up new possibilities for manipulation, using the round end knobs to manipulate, pivot, and stall the kbones during play. Players accustomed to the momentum and gravity effect of the heavier metal versions may take some time to adjust to this style of play, but those interested in tricks and technical play will find this version extremely flexible and entertaining.

Warnings: Some versions are heavy and solid--can break things or hurt things if dropped. It is recommended that you play over carpet, couch, or the like, or outside. Some versions look almost tasty, so keep them away from young kids, and don't let anyone try to ingest them.

Weight: 11g