Purina Pro Plan OptiStart Small & Mini Puppy Food is a complete diet that has been specially formulated to the meet the nutritional requirements of small and mini breed puppies.

Made with a blend of nutrients that will help your puppy stay healthy on their journey to adulthood, Pro Plan OptiStart also contains Colostrum, which contains other key nutrients and natural antibodies that will support their natural defences and give them an optimal start in life.

Purina OptiStart is also suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches.

Key Benefits:

Chicken (18%), Wheat, Dehydrated Poultry Protein, Animal Fat, Gluten, Maize, Soya Meal, Rice (4%), Digest, Dried Beet Pulp, Minerals, Fish Oil, Dried Colostrum (0.1%)

Typical Analysis:
Moisture 9.5%, Protein 32%, Fat 21%, Carbohydrate 28%, Crude Fibres 2%, Crude Ash 7.5%