Product Information

Christmas Sound Card - To All of You by Second Nature - XSING017


Christmas Sound Card - To All of You at Christmas Time by Second Nature - XSING017

A singing christmas card from Second Nature, once opened the card bursts into song.

Each card is cello wrapped and comes complete with a white envelope, concealed battery, and voice chip.

Occasion: ‘Christmas - To All You’
Card Size: 16cm x 23cm 6.5" x 9"
Page 1 text: To All of you at Christmas time
Page 3 text: Have a fun-filled festive season!
Vocals: Lauren Potter, Lindsey Bonnick and Chloe Josephine form the group 'Timeless'. The south based hormony female trio have been performing together for years and are great friends.
Song Lyrics: ""It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year .."

Christmas Sound Card - To All of You by Second Nature - XSING017