Note that this miniature is not painted and the painted images are examples only.

Kickstarter Exclusive Green Horde necromancer Lord of Bones, a vile figure clad in bones and body parts, he animates corpse limbs as part of himself, note the cadaver familiar at his belt.

This miniature is ideal as an evil wizard, sorcerer, warlock; basically any kind of blackhearted mage you can conjure. His grisly obsession makes him an ideal villain and a character likely to desecrate graves and abduct innocent folk for sick experiments in the black arts.

Naturally, you could slot the Lord of Bones into your Warhammer army or warband easily as a necromancer or Chaos sorcerer of some type, most likely Nurgle aligned.

He'd work especially well as a Mordheim character of some kind too, if not as a necromancer in an undead warband, or a magister for the Cult of the Possessed, then perhaps the sinister warlock hired sword, and likewise might also work as a Dogs of War hero, specifically a mercenary wizard for completely amoral mercenaries who don't care who they work with.

No cards are included. For reference, Zombicide miniatures are notorious for bendy parts, swords especially. This is easily fixed by submerging the miniature to boiled water and then bending the bent part into the desired shape, then using cold water to set the new position.