we are sending the real currency notes used in Sri Lanka,

Note number and issue date may be different due to the availability of stock

 Predominant Colour : Maroon             Dimensions    : 128 x 67 mm

Front of the note

At the center of the front of the note, is a drawing of the view of the Port of Colombo as seen now and in history. The bird that appears on the right is the Sri Lanka Serendib Scops Owl (Otus thilohoffmanni). The butterfly that appears on the lower left corner is the Baronet (Symphaedra nais).

Back of the note

When the back of the note is viewed vertically, at the center there is a traditional Ves Netuma Dancer dancing to the tune of the Geta Bera Drummer next to him. The Punkalasa, or the “pot of plenty”, which is a symbol of prosperity, is on the top right of the note. A Liya Vela, or “the stylized floral motif” appears on the right side of the note.