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Titolo: Dinky Toys
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Dr. Edward Force
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 0764333194
EAN: 9780764333194
ISBN: 9780764333194
Edizione: Revised 7th Edition
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing Ltd
Genere: Architecture & Antiques
Data di pubblicazione: 24/08/2009
Description: Dinky toys, produced from 1933 to 1980, have become popular collectibles today. This book, now in its seventh edition, offers concise history, detailed listing of major variations, chronological list, and a newly-updated price guide. It includes all the Dinky toys made in Britain, France, Spain, and other parts of world, from the earliest model railroad accessories to the first cars that bear the name Dinky Toys.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 152mm
Lunghezza: 229mm
Peso: 544g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2009

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