British Punch magazine -- from 1841 to 2002, the magazine cast a satirical eye on life in Britain. It charted the interests, concerns and frustrations of the country and today it stands as an invaluable resource not just as cartoon art and satire, but as primary source material for historians. 

Illustrator: John Tenniel (famous illustrator of Alice in Wonderland), from British Punch humor/satire magazine, December 11, 1880, pulled from the magazine, not a modern reproduction. Size 8 x 10 1/2 inches. Condition: very good -- light wear and discoloration, no handling wear, lays flat for easy framing; backside is blank.


The Prime Minister. “Yes, as you say, you’ve given up Dulcigno. We'll give you back Your Friend Goschen!”

[“Mr. Goschen has told his colleagues he'll return to Constantinople about the end of January” — Times, Dec. 1.]

Ulcinj / Italian: Dulcigno is a town on the southern coast of Montenegro and the capital of Ulcinj Municipality. It has an urban population of 10,707 (2011), the majority being Albanians. In 1867, Ulcinj became a kaza of the Iskodra sanjak of Rumeli veyalet. After the Congress of Berlin in 1878, borders between Montenegro and the Ottoman Empire were redrawn, with Plav and Gusinje being ceded to Montenegro. But Muslim Albanian resistance prevented the Montenegrins from taking over Plav and Gusinje, so the Great Powers in 1880 decided to reverse the territorial transfer and offered Ulcinj to Montenegro as compensation. After the city's annexation to Montenegro, of its 8,000-strong population about 3,000 Albanians left and settled elsewhere in northern Albania. 142 Montenegrin families were brought to settle in the outskirts of Ulcinj in the 1880s. The population of Ulcinj steadily decreased until the post-WWII period.

George Joachim Goschen, 1st Viscount Goschen, PC, DL, FBA (10 August 1831 – 7 February 1907) was a British statesman and businessman best remembered for being "forgotten" by Lord Randolph Churchill. He was initially a Liberal, then a Liberal Unionist before joining the Conservative Party in 1893.

I have other hard-to-find original Punch cartoon illustrations for sale; combine orders with no extra shipping fees. Punch , a magazine of humor and satire, ran from 1841-2002. A very British institution renowned internationally for its wit and irreverence, it helped to coin the term "cartoon" in its modern sense as a humorous illustration. QUESTIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME