Unique Fruit - Goji Berry "Stardust" Magical appearance: translucent white with purple spots. Exquisite ornamental fruit and editable.

Plants are rooted in 4 inch pots. Plants are very fast growers. You will see fruit this season.

This is a new goji variety that I developed; fruit color is variable, I've seen purple, white, white & purple fruit, all from the same plant. Sometimes fruit will turn yellow, at first when unripe and then continue to turn purple/white.

Fruit tastes quite different than that of red goji verities. The taste resembles that of juicy blueberries or grapes, it does not have any tomato-like taste.

Goji berries, when well maintained, can live for up to 90 years giving a lifetime supply of fruit.


Full sun; a southern exposure is best.

Soil Type and Site Selection:


Goji plants are adaptable and grow in a range of soil types, however they do not grow well in acidic soils. The best growth is made in relatively light soils that are well-drained such as sandy loams or loams and in areas with plenty of sunshine.


Water thoroughly until a little water trickles from the bottom of the pot, then bring the soil to visual dryness or a slight wilt between watering.


Moderate feeders. Using an organic fertilizer will give a slower and longer supply of available nutrients especially when grown in the garden. 

Time to maturity and yield:


Plants will begin fruiting the year after planting; plants first bloom in late spring to early summer while fruit will begin to ripen in mid-summer.


Prune back dormant growth in the early spring whenever the plant is overwhelming the garden situation. Fruit are borne on the current year's wood, mainly from that which is grown in the spring and fall. Canes that are untipped will continue to grow and produce few lateral branches while canes that are headed back will produce more laterals and higher yields.

Insects and Disease:

They are highly susceptible to aphids and whitefly. In outdoor situations caterpillars and Japanese beetles can cause problems. Root diseases can be a problem in container-grown plants


Goji berries are fast growing plants that, once established, flower in the summer on the new growth of that season. They are sprawling, stiff stemmed vines that do best if given some support. Growing next to a fence or lattice will work, or staking will suffice.