1PC Hantek HT201 20:1 Passive Attenuator 300V Max For Pico Hantek Fast Shipping
1PC Hantek HT201 20:1 Passive Attenuator 300V Max For Pico Hantek Fast Shipping
We accept PayPal, Payoneer and most credit cards for online business.
We will ship worldwide mostly by DHL, UPS, FedEx about 4-7 days normal.
SpeedPAK about 7-12 days.
Economy shipping about 9-30 days.
All the products we are selling include factory warranty, don't cover items that have been abused, burned and damaged in any form.
Your satisfaction is our priority! We give positive feedback to all our customers and would greatly appreciate if you could return the favor. If, for any reason, you feel unable to do so, please contact us through eBay messaging instead of leaving negative feedback so we may resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
If you have any questions contact us through eBay message. We will help you solve. Please do not worry. Thank you!!