LED Flashing Fairy Wands

Flashing fairy wands with springy wings & antennae

Large flashing fairy princesses on a pink-handled wand, fitted with springy light-up wings that contain red, green and blue LED flashing lights, and featuring boingy antennae.

Is she a fairy princess?

She's wearing a pink crown, so she's obviously some kind of fairy royalty. I can't tell if the antennae are a part of the fairy anatomy, or just a special feature of the crown, but they do wobble about a lot, much like her wings.

The fairy's wings, the wand handle, and her head, are fitted with red, green, and blue LED lights which have three flashing modes. 

A great party gift

  • Pre-fitted with batteries, ready to use.
  • 3 flashing modes.
  • 43cm long, 20cm wingspan.
  • Many pink and heart-shaped features.
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