Nike Air Jordan 1 Sneaker Colourway Collection Hypebeast Poster

This is a fab high quality poster digitally designed using Adobe Illustrator. 


A2 - 42.0cm x 59.4cm - 190gsm

A3 - 29.7cm x 42.0cm - 280gsm

A4 - 21.0cm x 29.7cm - 280gsm

If you like more than one of our posters, you can order multiples via one listing and just leave a note or drop us a DM and let us know which ones you want.

Postage and Packing:

A4 posters packed in large letter box, A3, A2 and A1 posters packed in tough postage tubes.

All prints sent 2nd Class post, 1st class option also available.

Poster does not contain any branding or trademarked logos.